Thursday, August 25, 2005

Crazy Fat Woman!!

I read this article where a woman filed a complaint over her doctor's advice to lose weight.
This is just plain ridiculous. What have people come to. Just because you are free to sue and complain, you do it on useless points. Who else is going to advice you on something that is dangerous to your health and life. This woman is crazy. And the poor doctor even apologized. He was just trying to make her understand that she would face more health risks and maybe a shorter life if she did not lose weight and she got angry. I understand it might be hurtful because women especially, never like to hear that they are overweight. I am sure even a 120 lb. woman will get angry if you say to her that she seemed to have gained a pound. But to file a complaint?? What next, Sue?
Someone I know is overweight and this person ate everything, especially deserts and ate out every single day. One day, the person could not breathe while walking back to the car. That is when the light bulb went off and losing weight became a priority. I am sure nobody wants to reach the point when you fear the end of your life. And I applaud this person for taking control.
Sometimes it is just weird, people know something is bad for their health like obesity, smoking or drinking but they never stop doing it. Is this the human nature?

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