Saturday, August 20, 2005

American schools dump coke, pepsi

I read this article and I thought, well that's a beginning. Finally authorities and people who have an indirect hand in making people fat are taking a different approach. I hope this will really help the coming generation of school kids. Don't know if today's kids will actually like this but if they don't have a choice they will have to get used to the healthier option. I hope wending machines everywhere start stocking juices and low-calorie, low-fat options. Even in high schools, universities and offices, people should be given an option to choose something that will benefit them.
It is just so difficult to resist temptation sometimes. Yesterday, when I went to see the movie Red Eye, I happened to pass by a candy store right next to the movie hall. It seemed like a family run store. There were hundreds of variety of all kinds of candy. Man, what would happen to a child if he/she is put inside that store. I am sure they would come out buying more than I did. :(.
As for the movie, it was pretty decent. A bit boring at start but got interesting later on. Did finish fast though.

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