Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Knowing Your Personality

Today I thought why not write something different and interactive, So that you guys post some comments back in order to receive answers to my game.
Here are a few questions, or five to be precise. For each question or rather word, write down the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of that word. Post your answers in the comment and I will tell you what these mean. Sounds good?
Oh btw, if anybody knows this game(because I am not the original inventor), please refrain from revealing these else I will be tempted to delete such comments.

Here they go...
1. Dog
2. Cat
3. Rat
4. Ocean
5. Coffee

PS If you need confidential answers, mention so.


Ashwin Ramachandran said...

Dog --> Loyal
Cat --> Mysterious
Rat --> Disgusting
Ocean --> soothing
Coffee --> Wake-up call

Anonymous said...

Just came across your blog. Good fun reading all your previous posts. By the way, I know this game. But I'll refrain from commenting. Don't want to spoil anybody else's fun :-).

Good stuff!